Thursday, October 30, 2008


born 1910- died 1995
Indian astrophysicist who studied at Cambridge, then moved to America and the University of Chicago. He has contributed significantly to many disparate branches of physics, including rotational figures of equilibrium, stellar interiors, black holes, Eric Weisstein's World of Physics radiative transfer, Eric Weisstein's World of Physics hydromagnetic stability, stellar dynamics, and many others. Chandrasekhar's name is immortalized in connection with the Chandrasekhar limit, Eric Weisstein's World of Physics which is the largest mass a white dwarf Eric Weisstein's World of Physics can attain. The theory underlying this result was viciously attacked by Eddington, who used nonsensical and contradictory arguments to try to show it invalid. Chandrasekhar wrote in a letter home "The differences are of a 'political' nature.

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